How do we measure progress?
We are data-driven
In the animal-assisted therapy world of EAP, we are unique:
- We take an empirical approach to equine-assisted psychotherapy and learning.
- Data are used to guide treatment decisions
- Data are gathered to monitor horse health and behavior, which informs clinical practice
- We gather data and conduct research
- We contribute to the evidence base on animal-assisted therapy and learning
We participate in education & outreach.
We bring horses and/or present Equine Assisted Psychotherapy / Animal Assisted Therapy information at events, examples include:
- Bemidji State University
- Great River Rescue Summer Day Camp
- Leech Lake Tribal College
- PTSD Awareness Day – Bemidji Eagles Club
- Red Lake Chemical Health Programs
- Red Lake High School Health Fair
- Red Lake Summer Day Camp
- Upper Mississippi Mental Health Community Fair
- White Earth Chemical Health Programs
We collaborate with grant recipients, examples include:
- Current: United Way, in collaboration with Hope House, funded EAL for individuals in the community
- 2015-2016:New York Life Foundation, in collaboration with Evergreen Youth and Family Services, funded equine therapy for local youth, addressing grief issues
- 2015: Northwest Minnesota Foundation, in collaboration with Northwest Minnesota Battered Women’s Shelter, allowed for Eagle Vista Ranch to provide EAP for Shelter clients and EAL in team-building and support for shelter staff
We frequently publish and present
- Our most relevant:
- Elizabeth Letson, Jennifer Laitala, Angela Fournier, Emma Pasiuk (2018). International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, University of Sydney, Australia: Examining the Role of Animal Assisted Learning: Human-Horse Interaction in Eagala-Model EAP.
- Angela Fournier, Elizabeth Letson, Jennifer Laitala & Lauren Proels (2018). International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) Conference, University of Sydney, Australia: Isolating the Role of the Animal: Experimental Investigation of Species in Animal-Assisted Intervention.
- Fournier, A. L., Letson, E. A., Pasiuk E. L. & Berry, T. D. (March 2017) Temporary Relief or Transformation? Examination of Human-Horse Interaction in EAGALA-Model EAP
- Fournier, A. L., Letson, E. A., & Berry, T. D. (2017). Human-animal interaction and metaphor in equine-assisted psychotherapy: Empirical support for the EAGALA model. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin.
- Fournier, A. K., Letson, E. A., & Berry, T. D. (2017). HAIS: Human-Animal Interaction Scale and manual. Bemidji, MN: Angela Fournier.
- Fournier, A. K., Berry, T. D., Letson, E. A., & Chanen, R. (2016). The human-animal interaction scale: Development and evaluation. Anthrozoos, 29 (3), 455-467.
- Fournier, A. K. (2016). PenPals: An examination of human-animal interaction as an outlet for healthy masculinity in prison. In C. Blazina & L. Kogan (Eds), Men and Their Dogs: A New Understanding of Man’s Best Friend. AG Switzerland: Springer.
- Fournier, A. K., Geller, E. S., & Fortney, E. V. (2007). The effects of human-animal interaction on prison inmates: Improvements in criminal behavior, treatment progress, and social skills. Behavior and Social Issues, 16, 89-105.
- Fournier, A., K., Berry, T. D., & Letson, E. A. (2017). Direct and Indirect Therapeutic Effects of Human-Animal Interaction: A Test of the Anodyne Hypothesis. A poster to be presented to the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.
- Winston, L., Pasiuk, E. L., Letson, E. A., & Fournier, A. K. (2017). Four-Legged Files: A System for Monitoring Health, Behavior, and Herd Dynamics in EAGALA-Model EAP. Poster to be presented to the Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) annual conference, Denver, CO.
- Fournier, A.K., Letson, E. A., Pasiuk, E. L., & Winston, L. (2017). Temporary Relief or Transformation? Examination of Human-Horse Interaction in EAGALA-Model EAP. Workshop to be presented to the Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) annual conference, Denver, CO.
- Fournier, A. K., Letson, E. A., Laitala, J. D., & Pasiuk, E. L. (2016). Measuring human-horse interaction: Tools for EAGALA model research and practice. Paper presented to the Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) annual conference, Lexington, KY.
- Fournier, A. K., Letson, E. A., & Laitala, J. D. (2015). The human-animal interaction scale: Development and psychometric properties. Poster to be presented to the International Society on Anthrozoology (ISAZ) annual meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Fournier, A. K., Letson, E. A., & Anschel, R. (2015). Enlarging the metaphorical landscape: The role of metaphor in our client’s journey. Workshop presented to the Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) annual conference, Layton UT.